Low Level Laser Therapy (SOFT LASER) Applications
It is an application for removing cartilage pieces that break away from the cartilage tissue in painful joints, enzymes that cause cartilage damage and biochemical substances that cause pain directly. Here, liquid drug is given into the joint and taken back a couple of times and joint fluid is cleared from these substances. There are also other types which have different entrance and exits of application and arthroscopic ones. Our method is the one that has a single entrance and exit which is called “tidal irrigation joint lavage”. This method is applied under local anesthesia in office conditions without any pain. The results of arthroscopic method are not different and application of this method under anesthesia brings some more complications. It also has higher cost that the non-arthroscopic one. After this lavage method, depending on the condition of the patient, efficiency and duration of comfort can be increased with proper complementary methods. The result becomes successful when other treatments are applied and precautions are taken.